Monday, November 19, 2012

International Men's Day - On Birth Anniversary of a Powerful Lady- Interesting

In a male dominant society,19th Nov is being celebrated as International Men's Day,sounds interesting.Started in 1999 from Trinidad and Tobago now being celebrated in over 60 countries including India.Everyone might have heard about 8th March- International Women's Day.The thought might have stroked probably in some male's mind - why only women's day why not men's,in fact this clicked in my mind and today when I came to know about the occasion it was a surprise for me,especially on the birthday of a renowned lady who was one of the most powerful lady at times,the former Prime Minister of India-Indira Gandhi.Probably this might also be a reason for choosing the day,but this wasn't.

The main aim behind celebration of the day for men is mainly gender equality which might be in danger in future on continuous efforts for female growth only.Other reasons include health caring for males of all ages,highlighting positive male role models in front of the world.This occasion also highlights the contribution and roles of the males towards family,society and rest of the world.In fact, in favor of women empowerment sometimes only the bad elements in the male community are highlighted,this occasion provides a chance to also highlight great contributors of males in a formalized way.

Don't know,how much useful is this but surely sounds sarcastically interesting in this male dominant society.Presently,women empowerment is a big need of the times and each country is equally focusing on the same and should be done as well.Thinking on a positive node,this should also be an occasion of pleasure for women's too that yes gender equality needs to be assured and so Men's Day has also been started to be celebrate worldwide.'Shakti Diwas' and 'International Men's Day' both on the same day indicating the increasing power of a woman that indeed is the need of the time & a women must be happy thereafter !!!!

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