Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Dream !

                 With the first ray of the sun today, another chapter of our life has begun. With this new hopes, new aspirations, new opportunities, new excitements are knocking our doors. This ray gives the message of being sanguine towards the life, to give our bit in enlightening whole of the world no matter wherever we are, being consistent no matter how adverse the situations are, be patient even if a cloud is coming in our pathway and the last but not the least, being universal and selfless in our approach. With this, it also aspires us to fulfill our dreams.
                  Dreams. Everyone has at least one. Dreams, which motivates us to positively move ahead in life. They aspires us to do well with a specific aim, no matter short term or long term. Dreams encourages us. They keeps us going. Like all, I also have a dream. A dream that aspires me, that hankers me on, that pushes me to take risks even if situations are unfavorable, that helps me to move ahead with positive energy and patience and the most interesting part is when our journey to make our dream come true also becomes a reward in itself as we come out as a better human being. My dream is not complex. It's as simple as that of a smile of a child, even it bring this smile on the face during the journey too with a bits of ups and downs like that of a life of a child.
                  Now, coming to the dream. I aspire to contribute the best of my endeavors for a better world. I look forward for a world without boundary. A world where the sole aim of each religion is to be a mediating force to strive you towards the self-realization, a force that connects you to that infinite energy which is running this universe, no matter what we call it. A world where kindness towards nature and each creature nullifies hatred, greed and selfishness. Everyone should give her contribution for the same,in general and me, in particular. The simple dream that no creature remains hungry in front of me. May I become so capable as I can either feed the needy or make such policies so that their is no need for such people to remain dependent on someone's kindness. Between the two, I opted the latter one. May I reach the desired destination as soon as possible that I can give my level best and my small contribution for the kind of world I imagine. The way to achieve aim might change at a later stage but the aim and intention shall be pure throughout the life span.
                   I hope, everyone of us have such feelings and should try to reach our destinies in our own style and pathways. Hope we all as a whole will be able to nurture our dreams to the fullest with the commencement of this new year. May this new year be wonderful for all those too who even don't know that a new year has begun. :) 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nuclear Saga - Satire on Indo-US nuclear deal.

Sighting the current uproar over 'may possible' action of Indian Government to appease foreign suppliers on nuclear issue,couldn't bound myself typing this fantastic satirical saga.If someone want to understand why India is now tactically bound to do so,try to feel the taste of the below 'food' provided to you -- 

"India has boarded a plane named 'Nonproliferation Regime' that is carrying nuclear weapons.The plane is flying around the world trying to pick up additional passengers.The plane has got an American captain,a Russian co-pilot and a three-member crew from China,France and United Kingdom.Entry into the cockpit is firmly barred to everyone else under all circumstances.All other NPT signatories are locked into their cramped and uncomfortable seats in economy class and keys have been thrown away.The captain suspects that one of the strapped passengers,Iran,is struggling to get loose and has issued a stern warning.One passenger,North Korea,who had broken loose now has a fractured arm and emaciated look and is being coaxed back to his seat.For a long time,only three passengers-Israel,Pakistan and India - stubbornly refused to board the plane.Israel,in cahoots with the captain,cleverly manages to avoid drawing attention by pretending it does not have nuclear weapons.No one dares to touch Pakistan,a suspected suicide bomber.India has been enticed on board with the offer of First Class travel.The entire First Class cabin is reserved for Indians.Apart from a free ego massage available on demand,also on offer are complimentary gifts of the latest hi-tech toys and gadgets , and mind-boggling frequent flyer miles that can be used for unlimited travel by all family members and relatives(the definition has been left to India) to the US with a guarantee of a 'green card' to anyone looking for one.The food is a combination of the best available in the finest restaurants of New York,London,Paris,Moscow and Beijing.After a hearty traditional English breakfast,one can move on to exotic Chinese food-however,only sweet and sour items are the menu!-for lunch and the smoothest Russian vodkas for cocktails.Dinner brings to the table mouthwatering American steaks,washed down by vintage French wines.Just in case the First Class passengers are still not sufficiently intoxicated by now,rare single malt Scotch whiskies and the choicest French cognacs are available as after-dinner drinks.The entertainment on board is so engrossing that there is no time to think.Looking out of the window,one can see majestic castles in the air.Finally,there is a lullaby to lull the First Class passenger into deep slumber,just in case the intoxicating drinks have not had their effect. Manmohan Singh's India is mesmerized by the tantalizing temptations.The trouble is that on the board,it will not be able to get off the plane."

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fight for Right and Language

        Today I got the pleasure to hear vetean internationalist & columnist Dr. Ved Pratap Vedic and Professor Ajeet Jha,a history ideologue from Delhi University.Heard and read Vedic ji so much via electronic and print media,so this opportunity to hear him live was a bit exciting for me.Both came to support a movement by some UPSC aspirants against some flaws in recent notification by UPSC and demanding 'age relaxation and extra attempts' to be provided as syllabus,pattern and marking scheme has been changed.Both intellectuals along with Socialist Yogendra Yadav are supporting this movement vehemently.
          The programme started with speech of some scholars who are carrying this movement forward.They highlighted the technical aspects of their demand.Like,some commissions as Kothari Commission set up by UPSC itself  stated that on an average a selected candidate takes three attempts to get through when the same pattern of syllabus s/he follows. In 1979,also when the syllabus was changed three extra attempts were provided as it takes hardship of the candidate to get prepared for the same.Their main focus was to emphasis on the point that their demand is genuine.
          This demand was strongly supported by Prof Jha when he came to speak.He mainly raised two concerns.First,extreame weightage to  General Studies given and optionals marginalisation.As per him,our education system stresses for specialization after matriculation.As the basic qualification to appear into UPSC exam is graduation,how can UPSC expect the candidate to be allrounder?If General Studies is to be of high weightage then questions should be of the matriculation standard only.Second,an organisation can't ask to test everything at the time of examination.It should organise on-job training, as a serviceman better and practically learns after being a part of the system.Change is the reality of the world but a positive change can make wonders and negative could lead to discrimination and inequality.
         Now, it was the chance to hear the veteran to listen to whom I actually came.Vedic ji,as expected started in his own style attacking system with satires.He said,this demand is so small.Govt. should accept it asap as after all its implementation is going to support the govt itself,govt will have to pay for a less number of years to the cadidate.A more aged and experienced person will better be able to serve than a younger one,as experience is with him.So,using democratical institutions the movement should be carried forward and govt will accept it unscrupulously.But he then tried to take the attention towards the much larger issue. According to him,it is the inside conspiracy to steadily move out students other than those who are following English.He made several satires on English for is grammer,converting 'fish' into 'ghoti'.As 'f' of fish sounds as 'gh' of 'enough','i' of fish as 'o' of 'women' and 'sh' of  fish as 'ti' of 'nation'.Any great ideologue or 'vicharak' do not come from English language whether Plato(Greek),Sukhrat,Aristotal etc.No religious epic has been ever written in English whether Vedas(Sanskrit),Bible(hibroo),Quran(Arabi) etc.
           He said,a civil servant is the one who actually runs the govt.They make and break politician indeed as they know the system.An IAS,IFS,IPS etc should not get feared, a politician can't do anything of him,yes but vice versa is possible.
        I got to know many personal things about him like he is the person who named SAARC and is now planning to suggest govt to expand it covering 8 more nations(Myanmar,Mauritious,Iran,Kazakistan,Uzbekistan,Kirgistan,Turqmenistan and Tajikistan) and instead of govt only let teachers,doctors,media,scholaar,lawyer,professor,engineer, scientists etc interact each other and make it PEOPLE'S SAARC.Opportunities would be immense if this becomes reality.Even he insisted Karzai to come in the streamline and join this organization as eighth nation with the inclusion of Afghanistan.Another thing I got to know was that he knew many languages.Also he was the first scholar from JNU to submit his thesis in 'Hindi' and fought a legal battle for it.He has worked with several of our Prime Ministers.
     He said "I am not against any language even I knew many and many of my books are in english itself but i am against making it obligatory.If the barrier of English won't be there Indian people will make wonders.Yes,some services demands english,let some people follow it and be it optional to everyone but my concerns are to making it a compulsory one .It is one of the major reason behind the fact that only 4% out of the total who take admissions in primary school persue graduation."So,he emphasized to fight for the existence of hindi and against any sort of atrocity and do not let studies get affected in the process.
            Hearing both ideologues was a great experience.I agree with some of their comments and disagree with a few.General Studies should be of more weightage than optional despite of the fact of specilization stated by Prof. Jha.There is need of several education reforms,no doubt but this service demands a person having all round knowledge.It does not want specialist of a particular subject.Way of being a researcher ,professor are open for them.A person taking psychology, philosophy, any literature subject cracks a paper and when it comes down to administer in the service,he/she couldn't mark upto the expectation.Its the flaw to which UPSC has correted with new changes.I am not commenting on any specific subject over here,just talking about many general subjects which are of less significance in performing administration tasks. Another issue that CSAT inclusion and on job training,I agree that on job training is essential but inclusion of CSAT is also equally important as logical and reasoning abilities are natural in a person.They can be refined with passage of time,not produced.So,it must be a part of the examination and keeping same and some departmental problems in mind UPSC added this into the syllabus.But I agree that change should be like one that bring positive changes and what are 'positive changes' should be decided after thorough public,ideologue and policy makers combined discussions.At first,Ideologues should be made a part of the policy making process for a 'positive change'.
      I think "A language is mere is medium of expression, nothing else."If someone love/hate any language it is his/her right but one should not abhor a language to a level where it becomes a menace for the society. I strongly support VedicJi's remark that one should love and learn all languages and should not be against any but equally significant is that any language should not be made obligatory in such a way that it breaks the aspirations of the people affected.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Flying to Future with Tenacity to Past

              Well......before beginning,an inspirational self written quote will surely invoke the feelings of dedication for a better tomorrow ---

'वक़्त बदलना हैं तो मित्रो मेहनत बहुत जरुरी हैं,
संकट की घड़ियों मैं मिलकर चलना बहुत जरुरी हैं|
संकल्प हमारे पास हैं गर आसमान छू सकते हैं,
अपने आज को बेहतर कल मे बदलना बहुत जरुरी हैं ||'

               Everyone wants a better life,a life as dreams but what turns into reality is a mirror image of the acts performed by the individual.One's deeds should be so positive and dedicative so that they should lead that individual to attain a better life ahead.Being just on the upper layer of the philosophy,a message needs to be conveyed that one should not forget the past which made that individual to learn from the mistakes done there and acted as a learner to retain the natural dedication and willpower of that person.

           In the present scenario,for a better tomorrow a ploy should be implemented keeping in mind the scientific enhancements along with the moral ethical values.Taking a wide glance,for example in the context of world,what do u expect for a better tomorrow???tell me.Just economical growth,industrial and technological development or yeah nuclear development of the countries which has lead to a blind race in which no one knows where and till what limits they are going.Is this the better tomorrow we are looking for???No,I would answer no ,definitely no.If the terms of brotherhood,moral values wont be there,we wont be able to save our future for long because the race mentioned above will demolish each other and the dream of a better tomorrow wont be succeed ever.

Here,I am not stressing for a leaving the modern development and to go ahead in the future with just trivial ideas but i am focusing on the good attributes of past as brotherhood,joint-family system,non-violence's strategy etc.I am just remembering the thought of Mahatma Gandhi,who also said-'.अहिंसा परमो धर्म '.So,to securely look ahead for a bright future ahead one will have to keep these things in mind .This will move the world too away from the current scenario for a dreamy better tomorrow.

       Now moving a step down to the level of a country,the foremost point to have a nice future ahead is to have a better planning keeping in mind all the aspects of all the fields and sections of the nation as from the education to sports,technological growth to environmental protection,from the enhancement in the economical growth to the uplifting of poor people.
But along with it a nation wide thread of brotherhood will tighten the nerves of the cerebellum of the people of the country and the combined effort of the people of such a nation can lead the country ahead along with the cooperation of the ruling priorities there.

  The final entity is an 'individual' whose can be responsible for a better tomorrow and a better life ahead.One should always keep itself along with the pace of the time but side by side it should also keep in mind the quote said in the holy epic 'Geeta' that--'कर्म किये जा,फल की इच्छा न कर'.This quote in turn is enough to say that one should go ahead for deeds rather then just to think of the consequence of it.For a better life ahead,if the smallest entity will follow this line then surely that entity ,the country and even the world will move ahead in terms of hard-work and dedication which will sow the seeds of a dreamy future ahead.Finally,this last quote summarizing the whole scenario for a better tomorrow---  

"हवा का रुख बदलना हैं चलो संकल्प ले,
नया इतिहास रचना हैं चलो संकल्प ले
चलो सीखे पुरुषार्थ करना फिर मौत से लड़ना,
हमे अपना कल बदलना हैं चलो संकल्प ले ||" .......